AthleticFIELD Changelog

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1.8.1 (7/22/24)
  • Fix: Fix serial issue
  • Fix: Ensure laser TCP/IP port # saves
1.8.0 (7/19/24)
  • Feat: Scan a QR code to see a list of all events. Select events by checkbox
  • Feat: Scan a QR code to load an event
  • Feat: Set a default board for all athletes in a flight
  • Feat: Measure precision to thousandths on all test marks
  • Feat: Sort athletes in flight by last/first name, team, or competitor number
  • Feat: In Vertical Events, clicking "Show Active Athletes" only shows athletes at the current height
  • Feat: Show a clear prompt to generate finals when an event is ready for finals
1.7.5 (3/13/24)
  • Feat: Add Rulebook choice. For now, it just sets jump off heights.
  • Feat: Prevent a duplicate athlete from being added to an event
  • Feat: If using a laser, don't open the keyboard when going into an athlete
  • Fix: Fix console.log add athlete bug
1.7.4 (2/17/24)
  • Fix: Metric progression generation issue
1.7.2 (1/16/24)
  • Fix: Make laser button easier to press on ios
1.7.1 (1/16/24)
  • Fix: Ensure add height prompt only appears when a new height is needed
  • Fix: When using jump triangulation, ensure marks do not send to scoreboards until Save is pressed
  • Fix: When on the last height, ensure a person who made the height isn't considered Up, On Deck, or In the Hole
  • Fix: Ensure standings work when an athlete has field series like XPP, PPP, XX
1.7.0 (1/4/24)
  • Feature: Test horizontal jumps laser from Officiate screen
  • Feature: If a vertical event has no more heights, prompt to add more.
  • Fix: Improve touch target for laser mark on ios
  • Fix: If internet goes out while uploading a video, mark the video as errored and allow subsequent videos to be uploaded. (This one is big, and I think it solves some of the issues where a bad video prevents all other videos from uploading)
  • Fix: After clicking an item in the side menu, scroll to the top.
  • Fix: Improve ios video deletion
1.6.9 (6/8/23)
  • Fix bluetooth functionality
  • Add Super Weight Throw
  • Ensure closing the laser test modal closes the socket as well
1.6.7 (5/23/23)
  • Feat - Add horizontal jump triangulation
  • Fix - Handle merging multiple pits with horizontal triangulation
1.6.3 (5/2/23)
  • Fix - Refine positive wind hundredths rounding
1.6.2 (4/27/23)
  • Fix - Reenable functionality to delete all videos from user settings. This is needed to clear videos off the iPad after a meet is over.
1.6.1 (4/27/23)
  • Feature - Change "Approve Dark Mark" to "Reinstate Dark Mark"
  • Feature - Allow to act as a progressive web app
  • Feature - Allow wind to be entered in hundredths. Then round to the positive tenth.
  • Feature - Add laser test button to the horizontal entry list.
  • Feature - Allow moving an athlete to the last position in another flight.
  • Feature - Require english marks to be entered in quarter inches.
  • Feature - Add more data to real-time scoreboard messages (pending website upgrades)
  • Fix - Allow race videos to be taken for decathlon round 10.
1.6.0 (2/23/23)
  • Feature - Add vertical height progressions in the app
  • Feature - Store dark marks for horizontal events
  • Fix - Don't show circle center error if you aren't doing triangulation measurement
  • Fix - Ensure only the 1st O or X can be clicked on jump offs
1.5.13 (2/16/23)
  • Fix - Allow tape measurement marks over 9.99m
  • Fix - Default serial laser fields correctly
1.5.12 (2/10/23)
  • Fix - Android serial problem
1.5.10 (2/8/23)
1.5.8 (1/22/23)
  • Bugfix - Fix Android 12/13 serial issue.
  • Feature - Get laser measurement working with Sokkia DX-205AC.
  • Feature - Send Device Name with message to allow AthleticSB to pick a device in addition to an event.
1.5.5 (7/7/22)
  • Bugfix - Race video counts should be stored by meet and round.
  • Bugfix - Make it easier to upload all field app or full race videos after an event is over if internet is spotty.
1.5.4 (6/8/22)
  • Feature - Show flight number on generate finals page
  • Feature - Only allow triangulation for total stations
  • Feature - Do not allow bluetooth for total stations
  • Feature - Only allow throw triangulation setup when using triangular measurement
  • Bugfix: Fix tcp ios close issue
  • Bugfix: Fix issue with vertical videos not showing if one jump had a missing video
1.5.3 (4/28/22)
  • Feature - Move delete rounds button to bottom of homepage to make it harder to accidentally press
  • Feature - Backup all data a text files on device in case of emergency
1.5.2 (4/19/22)
  • Bugfix - Add Athlete - Ensure that the added athlete is always given a position of 1 plus the previous maximum position.
1.5.1 (4/15/22)
  • Bugfix - Add Athlete - Only allow numeric IDs and prevent form from being submitted if there are errors
  • Bugfix - Fix round loading issue (Windows only)
1.5.0 (4/14/22)
  • Improvements - Video:
    • 1. Add a full race video management list with Stop All, Upload All, and Restart Uploader Buttons
    • 2. Improve stop video functionality
    • 3. Handle slower internet connections better
    • 4. Make it easier to upload all videos after a meet if the internet connection was spotty
  • Feature - Entry Lists: Add toggle to show active athletes in a round
  • Bugfix - Lasers: Ensure that no laser messages appear unless laser settings are enabled and a laser is active
1.4.6 (4/4/22)
  • Feature: Lasers - Allow triangulation to take place on the laser settings page instead of within each round
  • Feature: Lasers - Add serial capability (Android only)
  • Feature: Lasers - Add Sokkia Set5X laser
  • Feature: Lasers - Accept GoWin measurement with horizontal slope or distance
1.4.1 (3/12/22) - Android only
  • Bugfix: Video - Fix uploads on Android 11 version
1.4.0 (2/1/22)
  • Feature: Lasers - Allow Android and iOS devices to send TCP/IP messages
  • Feature: Review Marks - View a grid of marks in flight order. Click a mark to edit.
  • Feature: If using lasers, show laser settings button in side menu
  • Bugfix: Replace "In the Hole" with "On Hold"
  • Bugfix: Make sure english conversions show '00' for inches when a mark is > 0 and < 1 inch
1.3.10 (1/5/22)
  • Android only - no changes
1.3.9 (12/27/21)
  • Feature: Local Scoreboards - Include many new LSS scoreboard fields
1.3.8 (12/27/21)
  • Feature: Add South Station laser
  • Feature: Streamline triangulation measurements
1.3.7 (12/20/21)
  • Feature: Retire an athlete
  • Feature: Field video summary page: Make it easier to see the status of all videos.
  • Feature: Field video summary page: Add Upload All Videos button after the event if there was a bad internet connection during the event.
  • Feature: Field video summary page: Add tools for edge case upload issues.
  • Feature: Add option to Bypass "Choose Video" choice when taking video
1.3.6 (11/23/21)
  • Feature: Add Leica X4 and Leica E7500i lasers
1.3.5 (10/29/21)
  • Bugfix - Allow iOS to work with Leica BLE devices
1.3.4 (10/29/21)
  • Bugfix - Minor changes to make Android file permissions easier
1.3.3 (10/29/21)
  • Feature - Add laser measurement capability with BluetoothLE
  • Bugfix - Queue field app videos so they don't overload the app when many are taken in succession
1.2.5 (4/21/21)
  • Feature - Substitute athletes
  • Bugfix - Do not allow finals to be generated with zero athletes.
  • Bugfix - Do not erase wind marks when changing the number of attempts.
1.2.4 (3/31/21)
  • * Feature - Send first and last name to AthleticLIVE Local, allowing scoreboards to show last name only or first initial/last name.
  • * Feature - Allow full race videos to use alphanumeric event numbers.
  • * Bugfix - Make note field bigger.
1.2.3 (3/24/21)
  • Feature - Add button to manually upload flights. Useful if internet is lost mid-event. Once the event is over, the timer can hit the "Upload Results" button to send results for LFF generation.
  • Feature - Calculate appropriate original flight place including finals jumps.
  • Bugfix - Fix issue when finals get generated without the recommended people. Ensure flight place is correct in the original flight.
  • Feature - Add ability to stop and resume field video uploads.
  • Bugfix - When recording videos in dark mode, make "Record Video" and "Choose Video" button text white so it is easy to read.
1.2.1 (3/15/21)
  • When adding an athlete, choose to stay on the add athlete form and/or check the athlete in.
  • Handle finals generation if flights were done on different devices.
1.2.0 (3/8/21)
  • Record field app videos for each attempt.
  • Upload your EVT and SCH files to record full race videos for every heat
  • All videos are uploaded to AthleticLIVE and appear in your live results!
1.1.2 (2/18/21)
  • Allow jump offs to work for more than 2 people and implement rules for moving bar up and down
  • When a vertical entry passes to a starting height, mark them as DNS until they attempt a jump
  • Don't require a ppl file for online sync.
  • Fix dark mode UI issue on starting height select.
  • Prevent click on future jumps (gray boxes) on vertical entries
  • In Add/Edit height page, put note saying swipe left to remove height
1.0.14 (12/11/20)
  • Add bib # to detail page, list page, and check in page
  • Set a device name so you can send scoreboard data from one device to one scoreboard.
1.0.13 (11/20/20)
  • Improve spacing and style of .00, .25, .50, and .75 buttons
1.0.12 (11/18/20)
  • Show a timer on the entry detail page.
  • Move entry detail save button down to the footer where it can be seen at all times.
  • Footer buttons for .00, .25, .50, and .75 for horizontal english marks.
  • Show an info icon in entry detail pages which shows up next/on deck
1.0.11 (10/8/20)
  • Fixed bug where some english marks (e.g. 13-02.50) were converted to 4.2 instead of 4.02.
1.0.7 (10/2/20)
  • Edit Horizontal and Vertical settings
  • Turn wind on and off
  • Add or remove finals
  • Change alive groups
1.0.6 (9/24/20)
  • Add google play and apple app links to /old-version
  • Fix bug where we couldn't send jump off data to online sync cause of the round token
  • Show "inch" instead of inches on english text mark when inch is 1 and there is no fraction
  • Fix english text mark undefined issue when there was "0" in inches. Caused by bad text mark formatting.
  • Fix standardization bug in vertical height add/edit where 00 or 0 gets added
  • Show height in remove button on vertical height edit page
1.0.4 (9/22/20)
  • Added Five Alive
  • English marks do not require a fraction
1.0.3 (9/18/20)
  • Require that english marks look like F-I.XX and metric marks look like M.CC
  • Jump Offs
1.0.2 (9/11/20)
  • Add button class to manage height ion-items
  • Fix Horizontal Check Out
  • Fix online roster PPL pull
  • Make top menu logo link to home
  • Add entry notes
1.0.1 (8/21/20)
  • Dark mode updates
  • Make home header and entry list footers work with iPhone X
1.0.0 (8/20/20)
  • Reorder athletes by flight and/or round
  • Use with Local Sync
  • Send data to scoreboards with local sync
  • Select athlete from list when adding a new athlete
  • UI tuneups
0.0.14 (3/6/20)
  • Re-built wind entry. Easy access to +/-/0.0 buttons. Smart entry correctly interprets values like .3, -.3, and 2.
  • Horizontal entry interface design upgrade. Looks nicer.
  • Check in works if you click the person's name or the button. Should be much easier to check people in.
  • Added input mask to vertical height entry. For example, for high jump, after you enter 1 digit in the feet or meters input box, we send you to the inches or centimeters box, respectively.
0.0.13 (2/20/20)
  • Add a vertical height in sequence or at the end of the list
  • Vertical Events - Up Now/Last Mark is updated after save, not when the jump is clicked
  • Change "Back" to "Cancel" on detail pages so it's clear that the button does not save
  • Fix vertical standing issue when in the middle of a height
  • When adding a height, immediately be able to add jumps at that height
0.0.12 (2/3/20)
  • Show conversion heights on the starting height select page
  • Allow scratches in vertical and horizontal check in. Previously, you could check someone in or not. There wasn’t an explicit “Scratch” status to say that an athlete will not participate.
  • Show bar height on vertical entry list
  • If you try to edit a height and athletes have marks, show the names of those athletes.
  • MInor dark mode style updates
0.0.11 (1/16/20)
  • Fix metric to english conversion - round appropriately
  • Display version number on about page
  • Only auto-check athletes with a valid mark when generating finals
  • Show a time when a person checks out of an event
  • Improve input mask by using world records and event-specific criteria. For example, no one should be allowed to enter a 10 meter long jump. We only allow 1 meter digit (e.g. 9.99 is the max)
0.0.10 (12/30/19)
  • Fix issue where clicking on an existing horizontal mark on the multi detail page caused it to show all zeroes
  • Load Round Improvements (Show loader after submit click, Don't allow more than one click on the submit button)
  • Add delete round button and make delete sidebar buttons cleaner
  • Add/Edit/Remove Vertical Heights
  • Show horizontal and vertical standings in a grid, and allow toggle between flight and round
  • Don’t let a user unconsciously select a 2nd jump when there is no 3rd jump and so on
  • Wind fixes (Show wind on standings, show wind in segment on entry detail page, validation, handling +/-)
  • If you click enter on input mask and the wind input is present, focus on the wind field instead of sending back to the flight list
  • Allow saving with an empty mark
  • For english horizontal input mask, only allow 1-12 in the inch field. If 2-9, send to the fraction field.
  • Better page subtitles
  • Add position numbers to officiate and check in screens
0.0.9 (12/17/19)
  • Transition fixes
  • Clicking Save & Stay keeps you on the same screen.
  • Generate Finals
  • Add an Athlete
  • Fix odd issue where making any change kicks you back to the homepage.
  • Prevent save if mark is incorrect.
0.0.8 (11/21/19)
  • Enter horizontal marks via a smart input mask. Enable it by going to "Settings" and checking the "Input Mask" under Horizontal Entry Type. Toggle between both types and give feedback on which is better.
  • When you go to a vertical entry page, the tabs center on the current height.
  • Fix bug where entering "PX" as the first 2 marks then an "O" as the last mark turned into "PPO".
0.0.7 (11/18/19)
  • Streamline Check in/out all
  • Performance improvements to event list page
0.0.6 (11/15/19)
  • Add opening heights during vertical event check in.
  • Check in/out all.
  • Fix triple pass issue that didn't advance the athlete to the next height.
  • Add triple pass button to vertical detail page.
  • Update vertical standings correctly.
0.0.5 (11/12/19)

- Initial Release

Basic Horizontal and Vertical event officiating, check ins, and standings

Load an event

Send results to ALive Field Scoreboard.

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