Import a CSV meet file to AthleticLIVE

Have a bunch of meets and want to upload them all at once? Now you can!

Option 1: Export meets from

Use this option if you have all of your meets on your Event Manager page.

  1. Go to your EM page.
  2. Go to the bottom of your meet list.
  3. Click the download icon (see below) to download a CSV of your meets.
  1. Fill in empty columns with AthleticLIVE specific data using these upload instructions.
  2. Send the CSV file to We'll import the spreadsheet for you and let you know when the import is complete.

Option 2: Create a CSV spreadsheet

Download the Sample Spreadsheet and enter your meets. View our Upload Instructions for detailed information about each field. When you are finished, send it to We'll import the spreadsheet for you and let you know when the import is complete.


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