Test Data for AthleticRUNMEET

If you're getting started with using AthleticRUNMEET for the first time, you'll want to practice with the software before you use it in a live meet scenario! This is easily accomplished by creating a test meet.

  1. Go to athletic.net and click on either your XC or TF team, depending on which type of test meet you want to create.
  2. Look at the bottom of your calendar. Click the "Go To Test Meets" button at the bottom of your calendar. This will bring you to your Test RunMeet calendar.
  1. Click "Create Test Meet".
  1. The meet will be called "TEST Sample Meet" and will contain test teams and athletes.
  1. Click on the meet (1), then click the "AthleticRUNMEET" logo (2) to go to the RunMeet page and begin testing.

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