Uploading Cross Country Results #4: Teams
On the Upload Results page, once you have uploaded your results file and matched the divisions, move on to the Teams tab.

Athletic.net will try to automatically match the teams in your results. Team names shown in green are exact matches with teams that registered for the meet. Team names in black are close matches with a team registered for the meet, but not an exact match. Team names shown in orange are a match with a team that did not register for the meet. Team names in red were unable to be matched by Athletic.net's auto team matcher.
If the team match is not correct, click the Unlink Team button.

Then you need to select a team to match the results team.

To find the teams that match athletes in your results, or to search for additional team options, click More Teams.

Athletic.net will pull up teams that have one or more athletes that match for you to choose from, or you can search for the team.

You can also leave teams intentionally unattached (for example, if those athletes were not competing for their school but as unattached athletes) by clicking the Toggle Unattached button or choosing Unattached (Nonscoring).

Once all teams are matched and the Teams tab turns green, you can move on to the Athletes tab or click Next.