Uploading Track & Field Results #6: Timing Method

On the Upload Results page, once you have uploaded your results file, matched divisions, verified team and athlete matches, and checked your events, you can move on to the Timing Method tab. On this page you will set the Timing Method for each timed event in the meet.
First, set the primary timing method for this meet by clicking on either the Hand Timing button (for a manually timed meet) of the FAT button (for an automated timed meet).

Then adjust the individual events as needed. For example, if you used Fully Automated Timing for most of the meet but used Hand Timing for the 4x400 Relay, you would set the primary timing method to FAT and then toggle the individual event to Hand Timed.

Once you have confirmed the timing method of each event, you can move on to the Publish Tab or click Next.