Meet Status
Every meet has one of the following statuses, which determines whether results show in the "Official" rankings or only in "All" rankings:
- Uploaded by the Meet Host, Official Timer, or other verified source
- All Places
- All Events
- All Participants
- All Marks
- ✓ Included in "Official" rankings
- Considered to be reliable even though not official. Official results may have post-meet corrections that are not reflected. Please report any such descrepancy.
- ✓ Included in "Official" rankings
In Progress
- Official results for a meet that is currently live (AthleticLIVE or AthleticRUNMEET).
- ✓ Included in "Official" rankings
In Review
- Uploaded results waiting for review. May be partial or complete.
- Included in "All" rankings, but not in "Official" rankings.
Partial Results
- Manually Entered Marks
- Missing Places
- Missing or Unknown Participants
- Missing or Inaccurate Marks
- Converted marks from different distances (e.g., mile times converted to 1600m). Conversion-based results can never be marked official.
- Included in "All" rankings, but not in "Official" rankings.
Other Statuses:
Time Trial
- Single Team Results
- Included in "All" rankings, but not in "Official" rankings.
Polar Bear
- An outdoor Track & Field meet held during Indoor season, which can't be included in the "Official" Indoor rankings.
- Included in "All" rankings, but not in "Official" rankings.
Official vs. All Rankings
Official Rankings - includes marks has verified to be reliable to the best of our ability.
All Rankings - includes Official marks as well as unverified marks from time trials, meets with partial results and any meets pending review.
Official Rankings - includes marks has verified to be reliable to the best of our ability.
All Rankings - includes Official marks as well as unverified marks from time trials, meets with partial results and any meets pending review.