Creating a Track & Field Meet #5: Additional Options
On this page you can customize many of the meet settings that will affect registrations and entries. Many of these options are only available to Team Site Supporters, and will be marked with a .

- Age, Grade, Level: Select the rule-set under which you'd like entries to be submitted. These options dictate how a team's athletes are categorized for the coach during entry submission. Select the rule-set you are operating under. For most middle school and high school meets, this will be United States Grades.

- Invitation Only: Checking this box will make it so that only invited teams may add the meet to their calendar and submit registrations. Checking this box will also reveal the Allow Requests box, which allows teams to submit requests for invitations. For more information see Managing Meet Invitations.
- Publish Entries on Meet Page: Checking this box will publish all submitted meet entries on the meet information page on the specified date and time. Normally, this should be after the entry deadline has passed!
- These options are for USATF events. You can require that any of these items be present or valid before entries can be submitted. If you selected a USATF template, these options may already be checked.
- In these fields, you may limit the number of events an athlete can be signed up for, as well as the number of athletes required to make a relay team. These settings will apply to every division in the meet. If there are different limits based on division, use the Advanced Settings button in the Divisions section. Note that you must be a Team Supporter in order to uncheck Relay legs count towards athlete entry limit.

- Meet History is a fun tool to show meet records and past performances by adding previous years' results to the meet homepage. Use the Custom Lists Editor to create a new Meet History List.

- Custom Forms can be used to require the registering team or individual to fill out an agreement, waiver, or data collection form. For more information, see Setup Custom Forms.

Once you've finished adjusting your additional options, the next step is to edit your Seeds Options.
1. Creating a Track and Field Meet
Click Here for more information.
2. Templates
Click Here for more information.
3. Information
Click Here for more information.
4. Divisions
Click Here for more information.
6. Seeding
Click Here for more information.
7. Entry Fees and Financial Options
Click Here for more information.
8. Race Bibs
Click Here for more information.
9. Events
Click Here for more information.
10. Activating the Meet
Click Here for more information.