Display XC Team Scores on Physical Scoreboards


  1. AthleticLIVE Local (3.8.9 or greater)
  2. ResulTV, Daktronics, or another program to display scoreboard data

Online Data

Team Scores

This is recommended if you are already sending data from FinishLynx to AthleticLIVE and have a reliable internet connection at the meet. This will respect all of your scoring settings.

  1. In AthleticLIVE Local, go to Scoreboards -> Online Scoreboards.
    1. Locate "LSS Directory" under Settings.
    2. Click "Edit" and enter the directory where you save your LSS files.
  2. Under the Scoreboards heading, click the green "Create" button.
    1. Name: Enter the name of the board
    2. Display Type: Choose "XC Team Score"
    3. LSS Files: Select the appropriate LSS file.
      1. Download ResulTV files
      2. Download Daktronics files
    4. Type - TCP or UDP.
    5. Code Set - Single Byte
    6. IP Address - The IP of the computer running ResulTV, Dak, or any other scoreboard software. If AthleticLIVE Local runs on the same computer as your scoreboard software, enter
    7. Port - Enter the port that you entered into your scoreboard display software.
    8. Check "Enable Paging?"
    9. Paging Size - How many teams do you want to show each time the scoreboard refreshes.
    10. Paging Max - Once the scoreboard pages to this number, it will reset to the first score. Leave this blank if you want to show all teams.
    11. Paging Time - How long will a page appear before it changes to another page. We read the LIF every time a new page appears.
  3. Click "Submit"
Send Scores
  1. Make sure you have selected a meet.
  2. Scroll to the scoreboard you want to turn on.
  3. Check the "Active" checkbox.
  4. Under the "Score" column, select your event and split.
  5. The scoreboard should automatically refresh to show your selected split.

Local Data

Local Data was the original way we built this functionality, but it is much more complex than Online Data. We highly recommend you move to Online Data. It's easier and respects your online scoring settings.

Configure FinishLynx

Team scores are calculated from FinishLynx LIF files. Configure LIFs to autosave during your race by changing a hidden setting:

  1. Click "File"
  2. Hold Ctrl + Shift and click "Options".
  3. Click the "+" next to "Database".
  4. Click the "+" next to "LIF".
  5. Click "AutoSave".
  6. Enter "5". (This will update scores every 5 seconds)
  7. Click "OK"
  8. Restart FinishLynx.
There is a known issue with FinishLynx autosaving LIFs to a networked location. If your network goes down mid-race, FinishLynx will crash. Always save your LIFs to the local computer.

Team Scores

Send team scores over your local network. AthleticLIVE Local reads your LIF files, generates team scores, and sends over a TCP IP/Port to AthleticSB.

  1. Download the ALiveXCScoreListV2.rss file from the Downloads page. Save this file in C:\ResulTV.
  2. Add a Source
    1. Click File -> Options -> Sources. Click "New".
    2. Set "Script" to "ALiveXCScoreListV2.rss"
    3. Set "Name" to "ALiveXCScoreListV2".
    4. Set "Code Set" to "Single Byte"
    5. Set "Serial Port" to "Network (listen)".
    6. Set "Port" to the Port of your choice. If you're not sure, use 5891.
  3. Configure other options for your own needs.
  4. Create a .rtv File to show Team Scores. Download an example ALiveXCScoreListV2.rtv file from the Downloads page. This file works with ALiveXCScoreListV2.lss and ALiveXCScoreListV2.rss.
  5. Available fields are as follows:
    1. Affiliation
    2. Team Abbrev
    3. Place
    4. Points
    5. Scorers
    6. Max Scorers
    7. Total Time
    8. Avg Time
    9. Gap
    10. Place Change

NOTE: When you create a field, make sure to explicitly set the source to ALiveXCScoreListV2.



Create a Scoreboard Output in AthleticLIVE Local

AthleticLIVE Local needs a few variables in order to send data.

Open AthleticLIVE Local, click "Scoreboards" in the left menu, then click "XC Score List". Click "Create a new XC Score List Output".

Fill out the following fields:

  1. Event Settings
    1. Event Number - The FinishLynx event number.
    2. Event Name - The FinishLynx event name.
    3. Use Event Settings Name - By default, we send the LIF event name to ResulTV. If you use this setting, we'll send the "Event Name" field in this row. For example, you could set the Event Name to "Boys 5K - 1 Mile". That would be sent to ResulTV instead of the LIF's event name.
    4. Scorers - The number of athletes that score. Usually 5.
    5. Displacers - The number of athletes that displace. Usually 2.
    6. Tiebreaker - "nfhs" or "ncaa".
    7. Split Number - 1 for split 1, 2 for split 2. Write "finish" for the finish. "finish" must be all lower case.
    8. LIF File Name - Enter the full path of the LIF you want to use to display team scores. If you're creating this output before the race starts, the file might not yet exist. Most likely, your FinishLynx is set to save LIFs in this format ([3 digit event number]-[1 digit round number]-[2 digit heat number].lif). For example, event 4, round 1, heat 2 would read as 004-1-01.lif.
  2. Connection Settings
    1. Host - The IP of the computer running ResulTV, Dak, or any other scoreboard software. If AthleticLIVE Local runs on the same computer as your scoreboard software, enter
    2. Port - Enter the port that you entered into your scoreboard display software.
    3. Connection Type - TCP or UDP.
    4. LSS File Name - Enter the full path of the LSS file you want to use to display team scores.
    5. Paging Size - How many teams you want to show each time the scoreboard refreshes.
    6. Paging Max - Once the scoreboard pages to this number, it will reset to the first score. Leave this blank if you want to show all teams.
    7. Paging Time - How long will a page appear before it changes to another page. We read the LIF every time a new page appears.
    8. Show Partial Teams? - If checked, this will show team scores for a team before they have a full complement of scorers. WARNING: These scores will not look like your meet management system's final scores because they contain incomplete teams.

Click Start next to any Scoreboard Output to start sending data from the LIF file to your scoreboard. If you start a Scoreboard Output that is sending to a particular port and IP, any other Outputs sending to that port and IP will be automatically stopped.

Example Use Cases

Use Case 1 - Display the top 5 results and refresh scores every 5 seconds.
  • Set paging time and refresh time to 5.
Use Case 2 - Show the top 20 results, 5 at a time, every 5 seconds
  • Set paging time to 5 and refresh time to 20. This ensures that you see all 20 teams before refreshing the LIF.

Upload a CSV spreadsheet of Scoreboard Outputs

Instead of adding scoreboard outputs one by one, create a spreadsheet and upload it to AthleticLIVE Local.

Download a XCScoreListOutputs.csv template file from the Downloads page. It contains 1 race with 3 different outputs - the 1 mile, the 2 mile, and the 5k.


Download all files mentioned in this article on the Downloads page.

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