
Getting the App

Download the AthleticFIELD app from Google Play or the App Store. Also available as a Windows app.

Download on Google Play Download on the App Store Download on the App Store

Running an event

The timing company will give you instructions to load an event onto your phone.

Check out our walkthroughs below to learn how to manage a horizontal and a vertical event.

Running a Horizontal Event

Running a Vertical Event


Dark Mode

If you would like dark mode, click the hamburger in the top left and click on "Dark Mode".

Input Type

We default to an "Input Mask" entry type that allows you to enter marks without punctuation (e.g. for a shotput in english, you can type 2300 and the system will know it's 23-00.00).

If you want to enter marks with punctuation, go to Settings and change "Horizontal Entry Type" to "Text". In almost all use cases, you should use "Input Mark".

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