Creating Your Account on AthleticNET
Creating an account on AthleticNET is the first step in order to use all of the features that AthleticNET provides. Whether you're:
- Involved with a team or a club as an Administrator
- A team coach
- An event director or a timer
- An athlete, parent, or fan
you'll need an account to begin using the tools AthleticNET provides. Don't worry, it's a simple process.
From the main AthleticNET homepage, click on Create Free Account.
Once you have clicked Create Free Account a popup will appear "Sign Up for a Free Account" where you can choose to sign in with your own credentials or use your Facebook login details.

* Your club / team name should appear if the code has been entered correctly.
* Entering your club / team's code will allow you to connect you with your club / team via AthleticAPP, and allow you to use the social, communication, and virtual meet features that AthleticAPP provides.
* For more information regarding AthleticAPP, see AthleticAPP Overview.
* If you have not received a code - dont worry, we have other ways to get you connected. Claim your Athlete Profile OR
* Ask your club / team administrator or coach to provide you with a code so you can join their club / team. Additional Ways to Share Club / Team Code
Once you've entered your information, the system will search AthleticNET's entire database for athletes with similar names to yours. If you already have results listed on AthleticNET, we want to make sure that your account is connected with those results. If you see yourself in the list, ensure that the details listed are correct, and click on your name. Otherwise, click I'm Not Listed at the bottom.

Next, you will be prompted to select the type of account you want to create.

Clicking on each account type will give you a brief overview of the abilities of each. Select the appropriate account type, and, click "Next"
You can then choose any topics you are interested in or sports that you are active in.

Finally, click Create Free Account.

If you're not sure which account is right for you, choose a athlete account for now. It's easy to upgrade to other accounts at a later time. For example you can upgrade to a site supporter account at a later date. See Site Supporter Features.
If you're a parent, fan, or athlete, you will be taken to your homepage. You're done!
If you are a administrator or a coach, however, you will need to take an additional moment to verify your email address and in some instances verify your phone number.
Verify your Email Address
If you have chosen Coach / Event Director and clicked on the Create Free Account button, a verification email is immediately sent to your email address.

If you don't receive the email, check any spam folders you may have. You (or your system administrator) may need to “white-list” the email address so that the verification email (and future emails) are not filtered out as spam.
Once you click Activate Account, you'll be returned to a browser window where you may be requested to verify your phone number.
Verify your Phone Number
In the country code box put in your country code without the + symbol. Then in the main phone number box if there is a 0 (zero) at the beginning of your phone number do not include this. Type in the numbers without any spaces and press the phone verification button. You will recieve a phone call fairly quickly. Please listen carefully to the code provided and type this into the verification box on your screen.
If you are joining a club / team that does not have existing administrators or coaches already using AthleticNET, you will need to wait for verification of your Administrator / Coach account by AthleticNET support staff.
You have several options to become an Administrator / Coach for your Club / Team if you dont have a Club / Team code.
Be Invited by an Existing Administrator / Coach
If you are joining a club / team that has existing coaches already using AthleticNET, you should request one of them to invite you to join the club / team using the Invite a Coach feature. Using the Invite a Coach feature allows existing coaches to add new ones without the need for verification by AthleticNET support staff.
If you dont have an account, this can be the quickest way to join your Club / Team as an Administrator / Coach.
Request Access
If you have an AthleticNET account already, Log In and click Search in the top right corner of your AthleticNET home page.

Then on the left of the page, type in the Club / Team name. Then:

- Type in the Club / Team name you are wanting to join as a Administrator or Coach.
- You will get a list of options to choose from.
- If your Club / Team name is not shown , you can click View More Results to find your Club / Team
Once you find your club / team, and have clicked it so you are on the Club / Team page, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see the tab box Coaches & Admins. Click the Request Addition tab.

This will take you to a screen to confirm you are requesting Administration / Coach status for the right reasons. If you are an Athlete or a Parent, due to privacy reasons, you should not become an Administrator / Coach of a Club / Team. When answering the following question "Are you an athlete or a parent of an athlete who competes for this Club" and you have been asked to be an Administrator / Coach, then click the No Box. Otherwise you should click the Yes or Go Back tabs.

If you click No, you will then be directed to complete some further information.

- What is your relation to this Club / Team, and why are you requesting access? (required). Please type an answer into the box provided. This is a compulsory box to complete.
- Select Role(s) at this Club / Team. Tick either Track & Field OR Cross Country OR both.
- Click Request Access. An email will then be sent to the Club / Teams other Administrators / Coaches to approve your request, or an AthleticNET Administrator will review your request and approve or otherwise your request.
Find Your Team Yourself
After you've clicked Activate Account in the verification process, you'll be taken to the Find a Team Wizard.

You'll then be asked to select the type of team you're looking for.

Select your location, and you'll be presented with a list of club / teams. If you don't see your club / team, try typing the club / team name into the search box.

If you still don't see your club / team, click on I Can't Find My [Team Type], and follow the prompts provided to enter the information about your club / team and get it added to the AthleticNET database.

If you do find your club / team in the list, click on it. You'll be taken to the Request Access screen. You'll be asked to send us a brief note explaining what your relationship to the club / team is, and why you're requesting access. Choose whether you're looking for Track and Field or Cross Country access, or both, then click on Request Access. A member of the AthleticNET support staff will contact you shortly with further details.