Creating a Cross Country Meet #6: Entry Fees and Financial Options
Creating a Cross Country Meet
5. Additional Options
—— 6. Entry Fees and Financial Options ——
7. Race Bibs
5. Additional Options
—— 6. Entry Fees and Financial Options ——
7. Race Bibs
Part of's powerful set of meet hosting tools is the capability to collect fees and manage payments. You can collect entry fees in a number of different configurations, pre-sell merchandise or other items for pickup at the event, or set up a donations collection as part of the registration process.
You must be a Team Site Supporter to use these financial features. For more information, see the Site Supporter Features category.
Each of these features is covered in its own article. Visit the following articles for more information:

If you're not going to be taking advantage of these features, click Skip at the bottom to move to the next step Creating a Cross Country Meet #7: Race Bibs.