How to Enter Events "Help Text"

How to Enter Events "Help Text"

You can copy and paste this text into the Meet Info tab of your event.

Welcome to the (Event Name).


  • Click the HOUSE button in the right menu above. If you dont see this you might not be logged in or have an account.  Click Log In and Log In or become a New User.  More info can be found HERE to become a new user / create your account
  • Click on Athlete Registration (top middle of the page and follow the steps to your personal entry page).
  • Click Add Meet and choose the date of the meet, then click on the meet.  It will add the meet to your calendar.
  • Click Register

More detailed help can be found HERE.


IF NO - Click the word Search in the menu above, on the right, and type in your name. If you see your name, click on it and in the middle of the page that opens will be the words Claim Now.  Follow the process which includes setting up your free account. 

More detailed help can be found HERE.


Please note kids 12 and under are not able to create their own acount, they must have an account under their parents.  To find out how click HERE

If you have any questions or issues, let me know.


Mark Harris

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