Kiwi Support Hub: Where To Start

At various athletic events throughout New Zealand, AthleticNET has been used with great success to provide live results through AthleticLIVE.

However, AthleticNET has many more features that can enhance your athletics experience.  The following information has been compiled to assist athletes, coaches, officials, administrators and supporters to understand and use more features that AthleticNET has to offer.

You can see instructional videos at this Link.

(By clicking on each active link below you will attain more information and instructions)


Various Centres in New Zealand have uploaded results into AthleticNET, therefore your name may already be in the system (Over 25,000 have been added).  Your first task is to Claim Your Personal Profile to create your account and link to your Club, Centre, School. etc.

If you can't find your Personal Profile, you can Create an Account and Link yourself to a Club or a School etc via your Team Code

Duplicate Profiles If you found yourself listed several times (i.e. for a club, a centre or a school etc), you can merge your profiles into one, so that all results recorded against your name for that club, centre or school, etc will be linked to you.

Team Administrator. To manage your Club, School or Centre, then you need to become the Administrator. If there are no administrators to begin with, then complete the details in the link and an AthleticNET administrator will activate it for you. Once your Club, School or Centre etc has an administrator and someone else wants to be one, then the existing Administrators can approve your application. The existing Administrators will recieve an email and they can approve or decline your application. We advise that you let the existing Administrator(s) know that you have applied.


AthleticNET has a Membership / Team management system available for all teams to use for free.

Please Note... The AthleticNET membership system does not work like the current Athletics New Zealand membership system where information flows from the club to the centre to the national body and vice versa.

To manage your club, centre, school etc membership you need to have a Team Administrator. Not everyone can become a Team Administrator due to the sensitivity of information held in the AthleticNET Membership / Team management system.

Please do not use the system to take membership fees from your members if they are wanting to compete in Centre, National or International events. The Athletics New Zealand GameDay portal is the go to place for this currently.

Members can manage their own data if they have Claimed Their Personal Profile and for kids 12 and under parents must mange this data by Adding a Managed Athlete to Your Account. This makes it easy if the athlete or parent is in charge of their information and we can place the onus back on them to ensure everything is correct. If the athlete belongs to many teams, once they change data in their personal profile, it is amended for all the teams they are members of.

Please Note, when parents are managing their childrens account, the parent adds an athlete profile and the club, centre, school, etc must add a duplicate profile. These are then merged using the Merging Duplicate Athletes process. We need to protect our children (Tamariki) under Athletics New Zealand and World Athletics policies.

Alternatively as a Club, Centre, School, etc you can manage your members in a number of ways as follows:

  1. Adding, Deactivating, Reactivating, and Moving Athletes
  2. Uploading a Roster (Add many athletes using a spreadsheet and save time)
  3. Editing Athlete Info
  4. Merging Duplicate Athletes

Clubs, Centres and Schools etc can easily communicate with their members via the inbuilt email system. To find out more click Here.


AthleticNET is also a social media platform and with this brings challenges around the protection of athlete information. Athletes have the right to allow their information to be seen by:

  1. Everyone
  2. Their club, centre, school etc
  3. or keep it private

To help athletes, send them to this link and they will be able to protect themselves from unwanted attention How to Make Your Profile Private. They can also remove followers


The following outlines several entry process that might be applicable here in New Zealand.

How to Enter Events as an individual. You can click Here for some help text you can add to your meet page to help entrants enter.

How to Enter Events as a Team

  1. Track and Field
  2. Cross Country


AthleticNET has the power to auto create ranking lists in a number of ways. The key aim is to make sure we do this in a uniform manner in New Zealand so that we reduce workloads for all. Click New Zealand AthleticNET Ranking Lists to understand more about this process.

You can find the AthleticNET New Zealand ranking lists at this link.

Please note this does not replace the official Athletics New Zealand rankings lists located here.


AthleticNET has the ability to create a numerous array of records to engage your members, coaches and parents. Check out how to manage the various options:

  1. Club, Centre, School etc records
  2. Meet Records
  3. Venue Records

We can also create qualification marks / standards that appear in the AthleticNET Ranking Lists.


AthleticNET has provided an opportunity for Timers / Event Organisers the option to share the commisions they charge for using their entry platform. This means after Stripe fees are paid you can get 50% of the commission paid back to you monthly. Find out more here.


AthleticNET allows you to earn revenue from loading Race Videos to the AthleticNET platform. You just have to do it within one hour of the race being completed. To find out more click here.

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