Scoreboard Running Time with FinishLynx
If you're a FinishLynx user, you can enhance your Live Track Scoreboard or Live XC Scoreboard by displaying a running race time along with results.
This article explains how to send running time from FinishLynx to AthleticLIVE.
Download the Script
Communication between FinishLynx and AthleticLIVE requires the tmioRuntime.lss scoreboard script, which is available for download on the AthleticLIVE Downloads page. Copy the file to C:\Lynx
, you'll need to restart FinishLynx before you'll be able to access the script file.Configure the Scoreboard
Select Scoreboard Options from the menu bar.

Click New and set the Name field to ALive Runtime
. Set Serial Port to Network (UDP), then configure the Script, Port, and IP Address fields as indicated on your Meet Details page.

If you're using AthleticLIVE Local, then you should copy these settings directly from the main page on AthleticLIVE Local, rather than from your Meet Details page. See Introduction to AthleticLIVE Local and Install and Operate AthleticLIVE Local for more information.
Configure the other scoreboard settings as follows:
- Code Set: Single Byte
- Running Time: Normal
- Options
- Send results if armed: Unchecked
- Results: Off (and ignore further results settings)

Once you've configured the scoreboard, click OK and restart FinishLynx. Return to the Scoreboard Options screen and ensure that the status “Running” is displayed next to your new scoreboard configuration.
If Using AthleticLive Local
Using AthleticLive Local for Running Clock and Results can simplifies your lynx settings, skipping the step where you need to change ports between meets, making it much easier on new members of your crew using AthleticLive Local.

If you are using FinishLynx and AthleticLocal on the same computer, use the IP address