Conversations in AthleticAPP

One of the most versatile tools included in AthleticAPP is the Conversations feature. The Conversations feature allows communication between an athlete and the athlete's followers, between coaches and single athletes or groups of athletes, or any combination of these.

If you're an athlete, parent, or fan looking to post to your profile instead, see Posting to Your Profile.

If you're a coach looking to post to your team's feed or make announcements, see Posting to Your Team's Feed


Conversations in AthleticAPP can be created between any combination of coaches, parents, and athletes on your team. In addition, anybody who's followed your personal profile can be added to a conversation.

The following requirements must be met to communicate with other parties using AthleticAPP:

  • Athletes and parents can only communicate with coaches or each other if they have entered the team's code and been connected with the team through AthleticAPP. Athletes and parents should see Following and Connecting with Teams and Athletes. Coaches should see Connecting Athletes to Your Team Using the App for further information.
  • If an individual wishes to communicate with others outside their team (e.g., two athletes from different teams wishing to communicate with each other), the recipient of the message must follow the sender of the message before communication may be established. In other words, if Jason wants to send a message to Alex, Alex must follow Jason before Jason can start a conversation. For further information, see Following and Connecting with Teams and Athletes.


If you'd like to send a quick message to a member of your team or one of your followers, tap on the Conversations () icon at the bottom right.

From there, tap the Add Conversation () icon at the top right.

From there, select the team your recipient belongs to. If you're an athlete or parent, all teams you've entered a team code for will be displayed. If you're a coach, all the teams that you have coach access to will be displayed. If you aren't on the same team as your recipient, choose Or Select Followers at the bottom. Your intended recipient will need to follow you before you can send them a message.

On the next screen, tap your recipient's name and then tap Next.

Finally, tap on Start a new message at the bottom of the screen and begin composing your message. Tap the Send () icon to send the message. If you'd like to include pictures, tap the Photos () icon.


The real power of the Conversations tool lies in the capability to create group conversations. To create a group conversation, follow the steps above, but when you tap on the recipient's name, select more than one recipient, as shown below:

If you want to include recipients from more than one team, tap Select People, and go to another team. Your selections will be preserved.

Once you've selected all the people you need, tap Next.

Before you begin your message, you can add an optional group name to identify the group for future use. If you need to communicate with the same groups of people on a regular basis, you can set up groups and name them such as "coaches" or "sprinters" or "throwers", for example.

Once you send the group message, you can easily view who is caught up on the conversation and who has unread messages. If you tap the Read by line at the bottom of the conversation, you can see each person in the group conversation and whether they've read all the messages.

You can easily see who has and who hasn't read your message by tapping on the appropriate headings. Additionally, you can tap on the Conversation icon () to start a one-on-one conversation with any person listed.

If you need to add people to a conversation after it has started, edit the group conversation's name, or remove yourself from a conversation, tap the in the top right corner.

This will bring up a screen with options to edit the conversation's name, add people to the conversation, leave the conversation, or view conversation participants' profiles.

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