Support Home > AthleticLIVE Timer Support > AthleticFIELD > AthleticField Setup Support
There are two ways to synchronize data between your meet management system and the app: Online or Local Sync. Choose the one that's right for you.
Updated 2 years ago by Ben
Synchronize data between your meet management system and AthleticFIELD devices using the internet.
Synchronize data between your meet management system and AthleticFIELD devices using a local network.
Updated 3 years ago by Ben
Sample data for field scoreboards. Useful if this is your first time doing computerized field event entry.
Updated 4 years ago by Ben
AthleticFIELD supports multiple pits for both online sync and local sync. For example, say you have 2 flights of Mens Triple Jump. You can run Flight 1 on Device A and Flight 2 on Device B. You canno…
Learn how to connection your total stations or Leica handheld lasers to AthleticFIELD via TCP/IP, Serial (Android only), or BluetoothLE.
Updated 3 weeks ago by Ben
Send data from AthleticFIELD app devices to ResulTV
Updated 3 months ago by Ben
This article will explain how to show live field results and standings data on Daktronics displays using Venus 8000 players. This feature is only available when you're using the Local Sync me…
Updated 3 years ago by Graham
When using AthleticLIVE Local and AthleticFIELD to send field scoreboard data to ResulTV or Daktronics, the following LSS fields and commands are supported as of AthleticLIVE Local 3.5.14 and Athleti…
Record field app videos for every attempt. Videos will be seen on AthleticLIVE with live results!
If a tablet loses internet during an event, do the following once it regains internet. Click the hamburger menu in the top left. Scroll down to the Blue round heading of the event in question. Click…