Viewing Meet Results
We know why you're here: It's all about the results. You want to know who placed, who PR'd, and which team won. We can do that. is the leading database of Track & Field and Cross Country results, with the ability to view individual results, team results, and team scores for any meet.
Find the Meet
If you know the name of the meet, you can simply use the search tool at the top of every page to find the meet. Simply click the Search button and type the name of the meet.

Items with close matches will be displayed. Meets will be displayed with the year they took place to the left. Whether the meet is Track & Field or Cross Country will be displayed on the right.

in front of your search query. For more advanced searching tips, see How to Use the Search Feature.Once you find the meet you're looking for, simply click it. If the meet has already had results posted, you'll be taken straight to them.
Find Meets as an Athlete
If your profile already shows you as a member of a team, finding meets you've competed in is even easier.
Log in to your account, then click on your initials or picture in the top right corner, then choose Dashboard.

On your dashboard, you'll see a list of all upcoming meets you or your team(s) are participating in. For quick access to results, click on View Past Meets, and then click on the name of the meet you're looking for. If results are posted, you'll be taken straight to them.

Viewing Results
The results page shows each event held at the meet. Click on an event to view results for that event. Alternatively, you may click Show All Results at the bottom of the page to view all the meet results on a single page. Here we have an example page of a 200 Meter Dash with prelims and finals.

- Place
- Grade or Age: Either grade or age will be displayed here, depending upon how the meet was configured.
- Athlete Name: Click on the athlete name to view the athlete's Bio Page with the athlete's performance history.
- Time or Mark: The result itself is displayed here. Click it to share on social media or comment on the result. See Abbreviations and Symbols for various abbreviations that might be included with the result.
- Wind (if applicable): If the timer recorded wind readings for the event, they will be displayed here. Wind readings are normally recorded in meters per second with a negative number indicating a headwind and a positive number indicating a tailwind.
- Team: Click on the team name to be taken to the team's homepage.
- PR: If an athlete sets a PR, it will be displayed here.
Team Scores
If the meet host has elected to publish team scores, you can view them by clicking Team Scores near the top of the page.

Frequently-asked results-related questions. Click for separate articles.